Diversity triangle

At AGON DIVERSITY we advise according to the AGON Diversity Triangle in the three vectors: Human Resources, Communication and Copmliance.

We are convinced that these three areas must go hand in hand, because regulations, control and internal and external communication based on an HR strategy are needed to achieve long-term sustainable success in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion.


If you approach us with an inquiry, we will discuss the problem and objectives in an initial meeting and determine the status of D&I in your company. On the basis of this, we can put together a customized consultation and the interdisciplinary consulting team. Strategies, consulting products and/or measures can then be developed together.

Workshops & Moderation

  • D&I workshops: Raise awareness of diversity and inclusion within the company by benefiting from practical, team-based workshops on specific D&I topics.
  • Values communication: Supporting and supplementing the functions of corporate communication. Identification and development of the company's values.
  • AI for D&I training: Use of AI technologies to improve training and education around D&I.
  • Intercultural competence: Challenges related to racism are analyzed and strategies are jointly developed to combat racism.
  • Moderation: Organization and management of events, conferences or symposia dealing with diversity issues in Switzerland.

Consulting products

  • Strategy: Advice and development of a strategy in line with the client's wishes.
  • HR: Advice on the individual D&I dimensions, analysis of key figures and implementation of compliance tools.
  • Employer branding: Positioning the company in the public eye as an attractive employer.


  • Lectures: Invitation of D&I experts as guest speakers for a lecture on Diversity & Inclusion.
  • Research: Conducting and supporting research in the field of Diversity & Inclusion.
  • Studies: Conducting a study entitled "Diversity & Inclusion as a competitive advantage". The study was carried out by the Swiss Diversity Association.